...is a term coined by computer scientist Christopher Langton in 1990, referring to the outer reaches of mathematical variables, and yet how poetic the phrase. For a start, it defines my interpretaion of daily life at Dove Farm, so aptly portrayed by the items sitting on the kitchen side-table today:
1 x pumpkin left over from Halloween, waiting for pumpkin pie recipe
assorted pile of fruit in bowl
basket of eggs
2 x no smoking signs
various items of veterinary medicine
1 x peg basket
1 x can of pink spray-on hair glitter
pair of woolly gloves
dog's lead
1 x sheep skull (with detached lower jaw) found by Joshua.
this is a very old sheep that did not ever belong to us - no need to report us to authorities
1 x torch
numerous and various items of paperwork
1 x empty bottle of red (much enjoyed)
3 x conkers
1 x stale bread roll, destined for ducks
There's definitely part of me that leans towards 'earth mother' with flowing skirts and tumbling hair, resplendent in organic chaos.
With hair tucked under a John Deere cap, wading about in the organic brown stuff, I would say I am barely half-way there.
On the other side of my brain, lives the more ordered me, just about holding on to my heeled and suited office days, where there was a place for everything, and everything had its place, though if I'm honest, my desk was always on the dishevelled side of organised.
husband Henry is by far the tidier out of us two, in our household. As we share office and living space, we both tolerate a degree of messiness from the other person - but it always culminates in a flurry of swearing and foot stomping, because no-one can locate that vital piece of paper...
This is followed by manic tidying up, feelgood trips to 'Partners' the stationers, attempts at new storage solutions, and the cycle pretty much begins again.
Now, where did I put the recipe for pumpkin pie...?