Just when you thought summer was dead in the water ... hanging baskets are hanging lethargically, the house martins have raised their second broods, and are all swooping and wheeling in the evening sky, blackberries are ripe for picking and the heavy quilts are going back on the beds in the cottages.( 4.5 tog summer weight, suddenly feels very inadequate.)
When I go to let the ducks and chickens out this morning, I am greeted with sounds of 'peeping' and proud 'clucking'. The sight of three small ducklings, confirms that our broody hen has heroically hatched her eggs.
This particular hen, a speckled cuckoo marans, imaginatively named 'Maran', goes broody at the drop of a hat. She has already hatched out a couple of chicks earlier this spring, but insisted on 'sitting' again a few weeks ago, and nothing would budge her, even though she had no eggs to actually sit on.
So determined was she, I decided to pop a few duck eggs under her - Duck eggs take a good month to hatch, compared to just about three weeks for hen eggs, so I had my doubts.
But these three little darlings are her reward, for outstanding endurance, and a final gift of summer to us.
There is nothing quite so endearing as ducklings, and it is comically entertaining to see them with a mother hen. They are mostly obliging and obedient, staying close to mum's petticoat feathers, but every now and then, they simply can't resist it any longer, and make a dash for the water!
The children are dying to pick them up and cuddle them, but the downside of a good broody hen, is that she is impossibly fierce when she is protecting chicks, (or similar!) We will have to view from a safe distance!
I have put an old roasting tin in the pen, half filled with water, and it makes the perfect paddling pool for three little ducklings - I can't help thinking about crispy duck pancakes with hoi-sin sauce, as they voluntarily leap into the tin and dabble about, but I confess that I could not, ever, eat one of my own ducks. These little guys are safe with me, but I can feel a chinese take-away coming on!
check our local eating out options, listed on www.dovefarm.co.uk
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